
Marines as Diplomats

There are people who argue that President’s Own are not “real Marines” and rather just “musicians.”

However, the promotion of American diplomacy is a Marine duty. The Marine Corps has the Marine Security Guard (MSG) program that provides protection and security to U.S. embassies. The MSG is considered a solid force for American diplomacy.

U.S. Marine Embassy Security Guard logo, N.D., Marine Corps Embassy Security Group

By performing, the President’s Own has shown itself to be a major contributor to foreign relationships during state dinners. They promote American ideals through music. As Marines and diplomats, the President’s Own has certainly done its job.

"Excessive and a Luxury"

Democrat representative Betty McCollum from Minnesota stated that “military bands are not essential to national defense” and are “excessive and a luxury the Pentagon and taxpayers can no longer afford.” Similar statements were heard from the other party as well as from the Citizens Against Government Waste, a conservative advocacy group.  However, a musicologist named David Hebert countered the argument by noting that “U.S. military bands provide a much-needed relief to soldiers” and “emphasize such values as altruism and even international cooperation.” This is exactly what the President’s Own does.